Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snowed Out

Unfortunately the snow has rained (or snowed) on my parade; the first episode of "Veggie Bites" for this season, which was supposed to have aired tonight, will not be airing until American University opens again. I am SO excited for all of you to see this episode as we are filming all of the shows this semester from my apartment! I think it adds a home-y feel to the show but as you'll see in the coming days, I had a difficult time adjusting myself to the new location (hopefully you'll find this funny!). On a brighter note, my roommate Tina served up this sweet and savory peach salsa with some nachos tonight and it was so delicious I had to share it with you:

It was extremely flavorful and went well with the chips, avocado, corn, black beans, shredded cheese, red pepper and red onion. YUM!

I've had a case of cabin fever these past few days so me and my roommate, Rebecca, and our friend Ashley faced the cold to do some shopping followed by food shopping. I snooped around the food store a bit so that I could find an ingredient that I've never used before (remember my challenge from a few days ago?) and I found two! Well, one is an ingredient and the other is several ingredients in one convenient bottle. Anyway, I will keep you posted about the first episode of "Veggie Bites," but tomorrow I will show you how I incorporate my new finds into an Asian-inspired dish!

With health,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Melissa!
    I love what you are doing! It`s great to have a passion like that... but wait a second...is it just your hobby? Or you consider dealing with food for life? Like... maybe pretty soon I will be able to visit one of your restaurants?! :)
    Keep on doing!
    I hope that I will be able to watch one of your programs on YouTube!
    Good Luck!
